
TITAN Zlatna Panega distinguished as “A Company Giving Wings to the Bulgarian Education”

In June 2018, TITAN Zlatna Panega received a certificate for “A Company Giving Wings to the Bulgarian Education”. The contest for business ...


National Action Plan of Bulgaria for the European Pact4Youth

The Bulgarian Network of the United Nations Global Compact presented a proposal for the National Action plan of Bulgaria for the European Pact4Youth o ...



TITAN Group is an international cement and building materials producer aspiring to serve the needs of society, while contributing to sustainable growth with responsibility and integrity.

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Zlatna Panega Cement AD operates in a beautiful karst region, in close proximity to a protected area of the Natura 2000 network for the preservation of valuable habitats, meters away from the largest karst spring in Bulgaria, which is a protected natural site. We are proud that we successfully combine our activities with the maintenance and restoration of the biodiversity around us.

In 2016, we continued the observation of the ornithofauna in the area of the Zlatna Panega quarry. The species diversity remains unchanged and is like that in undisturbed terrains with similar characteristics.

After the planting of areas with depleted reserves in the Zlatna Panega quarry in 2015, this year, we gathered seeds of species typical for the region (Pedunculate and Turkey oak, ash, maple and Norway maple). They were planted in the nursery at the plant, intended for growing native species for biological reclamation of exploited terrains.


Since 2015, Zlatna Panega Cement AD has been holding annual fish stocking campaigns of the Zlatna Panega river to increase the population of the Balkan trout. The stocking is carried out with the assistance of the ’’Old Otters’’ Fisher Club. It is part of the initiatives in the "Adopt the Zlatna Panega River" project and helps to improve the fishing tourism in the region.

Since 2015, Zlatna Panega Cement AD has been also supporting a variety of initiatives related to the protection of Karst territories:

  • International Competition ProKARSTerra 2015;
  • Traveling summer school of Karst;
  • International scientific and practical conference Protected Karst Territories - Education and Training.

The initiator and coordinator of all these events is the National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences while Zlatna Panega Cement AD is one of its major Bulgarian partners.


Students of the eco-clubs in the local schools take part in the gathering and planting of seeds in the nursery of the Zlatna Panega cement plant of the following tree species: oak (Pedunculate and Turkey), ash, maple and Norway maple. These species are being used for the reclamation of the Zlatna Panega quarry.
The planting is held twice every year - in spring and in autumn.


A total of 474 seedlings of Ash and Oak (Turkey oak and Pedunculate oak) were planted in Zlatna Panega quarry for the purpose of reclamation of exploited land in April 2015. The seedlings were grown in the nursery of the plant. The selected species were of local origin, typical for the region. A pre-sized area of 3 500 m of Level 255 - East Section was rehabilitated.

Both, Zlatna Panega Cement AD employees and subcontractor employees, participated in the campaign.


In the midst of autumn 2015, graduates from the schools in Zlatna Panega and Rumyantsevo gathered seeds from native trees and planted them in the quarry. They also cleaned the village of Brestnitsa.

The seeds gathered were of Norway maple, Maple and Ash. They will be planted in the nursery of the cement plant of Zlatna Panega Cement AD.

A total of 194 saplings of Lime tree, Turkey oak and Pedunculate oak, were taken out of the nursery and planted in the quarry.


To raise the ecological culture of the local communities Zlatna Panega Cement AD in cooperation with ornithologists and environmental consultants organizes birdwatching in the karst region of Karlukovo. The initiative is part of the environmental activities in the “Adopt the Zlatna Panega River” project. The participants are students from the eco-clubs in local schools. Employees of the Environmental Department of Zlatna Panega Cement AD also take part in the birdwatching. The experts introduce the students to the great variety of bird species in Bulgaria through rich photo material. They also explain birds geographic distribution and the difference between male and female birds. The birdwatching takes place in and around the Prohodna cave where the extraordinary variety of plant and animal species makes the experience exciting and memorable for the students. The Karlukovo karst region is a protected area under the Birds Directive in Natura 2000.

Students from the local schools take part in the quarry planting. 1
The participants in the BAS project are on a plant tour in TITAN. 2
Fishermen of the Old Otters club carry out the fish stocking 3



In order to ensure safety at work we implement effective programs covering a variety of issues that focus on the working conditions:

  • The practice of reporting, investigating and accounting incidents without consequences (near misses) for the employees, equipment and the environment in the cement plant. The practice includes submitting reports by employees, who have witnessed incidents with no consequences or conditions, which are potentially hazardous. Each report is reviewed, investigated and the identified occupational risks are communicated to the employees and eradicated.
  • The procedure „Permit to Work” ensures that authorized and well-qualified and trained people have identified the potential risks and these risks have been minimized through the use of appropriate safety regulations and measures of control.
  • The „Lock out – Tag out – Try out” (LOTOTO) procedure ensures the identification of all potentially dangerous sources of energy for each facility or technological area. During operation, all the identified sources are turned off, marked and locked by the supervisors in charge and by all employees in that particular work station.
  • Monthly safety audits in the plant performed by teams consisting of company employees.
  • Monthly fire-fighting system inspections. Fire-extinguishers are regularly maintained and reloaded. We have also arranged a 24-hour available team, which is ready to react in the initial stage of fire.

Zlatna Panega Cement AD continuously follows its policy of sharing Health and Safety best practices with stakeholders: students, other companies, and people development organizations. That is why throughout the whole year we devoted resources to participate in the following initiatives:


Early starting education in Health and Safety ensures that it will become a natural part of children's life and games. Thus, children develop a proper attitude towards safety and health, which later affects their professional life positively. Therefore, our Health and Safety Department prepared presentations for the youngest students in four schools in Yablanitsa Municipality on seven topics, such as: Student's Daily Regimen, Electrical Safety, Fire Safety, Safety Rules during Winter Holidays.


We conduct one-day trainings for students from the Medical Academy in Pleven. During the training, they get acquainted with the plant and safety best practices.


  • Our Health and Safety Department employees represent Zlatna Panega Cement AD in the Health and Safety Association. They presented the company's Health and Safety audit at the meeting of the Association on April 28, 2016 – the World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
  • On the occasion of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, our Health and Safety Department also gave a presentation on the topic: „Workplace Stress: A Team Challenge’’.
  • On October 26, 2016, we took part in the National Conference, organized on the occasion of the European Health and Safety week, delivering a presentation on good practices in managing aging employees.
  • In December 2016, at the National Road Safety Conference in Sofia Zlatna Panega Cement AD case studies on road safety were presented.



The Change Begins with Us project is developed and implemented by the Bulgarian Charities Aid Foundation in partnership with the C.E.G.A. Foundation (NGO specialized in Roma integration projects) and with the active support of Zlatna Panega Cement AD. It received grant funding via the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area. The project is aimed at promoting active citizenship, volunteering and participation of young people in activities of social value.

The selected participants in the project were youths with leadership qualities from the villages of Oreshene, Zlatna Panega and Brestnitsa in Yablanitsa Municipality. They formed three action groups (one group for each of the three villages). Each group had to discuss, select, plan and execute its own project idea that was going to affect positively a big part of the local community. The participants received various training by youth development experts, aiming to develop skills that allow them to work effectively in a team on projects in benefit of the community, to recruit more volunteers for their cause and to gain knowledge about public organizations and their role.

The youth groups worked on the following project ideas:

  • Building an outdoor fitness area in the village of Oreshene.
  • Renovating the playground in the village of Zlatna Panega.
  • Cleaning, cultivating and fencing the park in the village of Brestnitsa.

The three groups completed their projects successfully in 2016.

Zlatna Panega Cement AD, in collaboration with its partner organizations, plans the launching of new projects. Those initiatives will enable more motivated young people with leadership qualities to receive education in the field of entrepreneurship.


The project for biomonitoring of the Zlatna Panega River and its surroundings was developed by Zlatna Panega Cement AD in collaboration with the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe – Bulgaria, the Nature Department of Pleven Regional Historical Museum, the Sergey Rumyantsev Vocational High School of Agriculture and Environmental and Public Health Office – Kjos, Iceland received and successfully utilized grant funding via the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area.

A program for water quality monitoring and biomonitoring along the Zlatna Panega River was developed within the project. The monitoring results were being recorded on project information boards located along the river and provided to the Executive Environment Agency as part of the National Biodiversity Monitoring System in the Voluntary Monitoring Module. The educational program developed during the project, the monitoring and the data collection are easy to implement in any other area - lake, river, forest.

During the 2 years of the project students from 2nd to 12th grade from the school eco-clubs in the Yablanitsa and Lukovit Municipality had the opportunity to learn more about the Zlatna Panega river and to be trained how to monitor the quality and biodiversity of the river. The project was officially finalized in the summer of 2016.

In 2017, Zlatna Panega Cement AD and the partnering schools resumed the project with spring and autumn biomonitoring activities of the river.


Since 2013, Zlatna Panega Cement AD organizes annual spring cleaning of the bed and banks of the Zlatna Panega river. The initiative is part of the “Adopt the Zlatna Panega River” project. It attracts volunteers from various organizations and institutions every year – students and teachers from the local schools, employees of Zlatna Panega Cement, employees of the Nature Department of Pleven Regional Historical Museum, the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe – Bulgaria, member of the “Old Otters” Fisher Club, etc. The participants collect the combustible and non-combustible waste separately. The combustible waste is transported to the cement plant's installation for the production of processed engineered fuel to be utilized in the clinker kilns.


Together with the Teach for All – Bulgaria Foundation, we have been supporting the right of access to quality education for every child through a number of initiatives since 2013. The mission of Teach for All is to encourage and prepare capable and ambitious young people to become inspiring teachers and leaders. The organization believes that every child in the country should learn from teachers who support their students and help them unleash their full potential.

By the end of 2017-2018 school year, 13 new teachers have been working with over 500 schoolchildren from families with low socioeconomic status in four elementary schools in Yablanitsa Municipality in the villages of Oreshene, Brestnitsa, Zlatna Panega and Dermantsi and one elementary school in the village of Cherni Osam in the Municipality of Troyan. Teachers, participating in the program, have been focusing their efforts on the development of functional literacy, entrepreneurial and communication skills of the students for three years in a row. The main objective is to provide opportunities for students to learn through interesting and entertaining methods and extracurricular activities in order not only to enrich their knowledge on relevant subjects but also to develop social and interpersonal skills, personal motivation, leadership qualities, as well as emotional intelligence - a key factor in the fight for reducing aggression at school.



On September 17th, 2015 - the Christian holiday of Faith, Hope and Love, a charity concert was held in the Cave Saeva Dupka. The event was under the patronage of the governor of Lovech and in partnership with Zlatna Panega Cement AD.

The charity concert was conducted on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of the introduction of music education in the Georgi Benkovski Secondary School in the village of Cherni Vit, Teteven Municipality. The unique natural landmark allowed the audience to experience the magic of Bulgarian folklore through the performances of the talented students.

The funds, raised at the event, were used to purchase new traditional costumes for the children who annually participate in numerous festivals and win prestigious competitions.



TITAN Bulgaria maintains and strengthens its traditional relationships with the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy and the University of Mining and Geology, Sofia. The company organizes annual visits of students from these universities to the plant in the Zlatna Panega village. Our colleagues from the production and technical departments present different aspects of their work. We also organize plant tours for on-site acquaintance with the technological process. In 2015, during the TITAN Open Doors event students of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy visited the plant for the first time.

The company also takes part in Career Days events organized in different universities in Sofia. In 2016, our colleagues from Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance participated in the Career Days in the Technical University - Sofia to present the basics of the equipment maintenance job and answer any questions the students might have. The interested students had the opportunity to explore our plant through interactive movies, which facilitated the presentations of our specialists. We also provided information on ongoing internship openings and TITAN Bulgaria, in general.


After the employee opinion survey had been conducted in 2014, at the beginning of 2015 the managers of the company gathered on a special meeting where they discussed the strengths of the working environment, analyzed the identified areas for improvement and prepared an action plan.
They identified two priority areas for improving the engagement of our employees. These are: empowering employees and working to improve collaboration between departments to ensure workflow efficiency and to provide an environment for innovative ideas.

What do we do?

  • We are working hard to develop innovative business culture and working environment where people are heard, engaged and involved in sharing their views, experience and practices;
  • We are developing a culture of encouraging collaboration within and between teams;
  • We provide an environment where people have the opportunity to ensure a good level of service to their internal and external clients.

Ensuring awareness of the company's business results through effective communication between management and employees as well as between departments and companies in TITAN Bulgaria.

What do we do?

  • We organized efficient weekly and monthly meetings of the production and the maintenance teams;
  • We have implemented an electronic task management and improved team collaboration system. This software solution allows efficient management and control of everyday tasks and automates routine but essential business processes;
  • The content of our website is being updated regularly with significant news, events and work projects;
  • We plan communication meetings between employees and managers to discuss different areas concerning the employees


We work closely with schools and kindergartens from the region, in which we operate. The donations of computers and communication equipment form just the beginning of a fruitful two-way process of cooperation and support. Our desire is to awaken and encourage children's interest and inspiration to learn and think better, using modern technologies. In 2015, we participated in mutual projects with importers of interactive and 3D training devices. Owing to these projects, we managed to bring a large number of children back to classrooms.

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