by setting clear objectives and high standards
TITAN Bulgaria was included in the annual CSR report of AdviceBox and Junction Bulgaria
02.03.2021TITAN Bulgaria was included in the second edition of the State of CSR in Bulgaria 2020 report. The study is held by CSR AdviceBox and Junction Bulgaria among the TOP 300 employers in the country, identified by the ICAP annual report "Leading Employers in Bulgaria" 2019.
The data collected in the report analyze the perceptions, implementation and evaluation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies and activities of the leading employers in Bulgaria.
Corporate social responsibility is among the goals of TITAN Bulgaria. Thus, the company adapts its values to the new challenges - commitment to the environment, development of quality education, as well as support to local suppliers and communities.
In response to these challenges, TITAN Bulgaria has invested over 139 million euros in production, environmental protection, people management and corporate social responsibility for the period 2004-2019.
You can see the highlights of the survey in the following video, and download the full report here.