Sustainability Meeting of the TITAN Group CSR Liaison Delegates in Athens


Liaison Delegates for Corporate social responsibility from all business units of the TITAN Group took part in a sustainability meeting in Athens, Greece. The meeting took place on 30 January 2018. It was organized by the TITAN Group Corporate Social Responsibility department. TITAN Bulgaria was represented by Ms. Luba Nikiforova and Ms. Karina Delcheva.

The meeting kicked off with a presentation by Ms Maria Alexiou, Group Corporate Social Responsibility Senior Manager, on the topic Sustainability Update. First, she analyzed the global trends shaping the attitude towards sustainability and the road to a sustainable future. Some the trends she pointed out were: the demographic crisis; employment under pressure – unstable environment for both employees and employers; next generation – the Z generation: more demanding, less materialistic, more difficult to satisfy, more digital than the Millenials; taking the global issues at local level – a new approach to solving local issues that are also global; deteriorating security – terrorism, cyber attacks. Then, Ms. Alexiou presented the sustainability strategies of the global organizations, in which TITAN Group participates as a member. She elaborated on the UN Sustainability Development Goals and introduced the UN Global Compact’s new standards for corporate members. She also focused on the updated Agenda for Action of the WBCSD (World Business Council for Sustainable Development) and the obligation to connect the CSI (Cement Sustainability Initiative) commitments with the UN SDGs (TITAN has already connected own targets with the SDGs). Last, but not least the EU Agenda for 2030 was reviewed.

The next presentation drew the attendees’ attention to the material issues for the TITAN Group’s stakeholders and the material issues for the TITAN Group itself. The presenter also described how the materiality assessment process in the TITAN business units (BUs) should be conducted step by step.

The highlight of the meeting was the non-financial reporting topic. First, the preparation process of the Group’s Integrated Annual Report was presented in details: the pillars it is based on, structure and contents, principles and verification. Ms Maria Alexiou also gave valuable guidelines for reporting on sustainability at BU level: how to define the audience of the integrated report and the need for integrated reporting, what specific reporting standards and commitments to follow, what information to include, how should the process flow.

The meeting was closed with a discussion, in which the representatives of every BU shared the initiatives their company organized for its employees, local community, local suppliers and contractors. They chose their best practices in safety, health and wellbeing, respect for diversity and equal opportunities, development of employability for local people, etc. and used them to share show the lessons learned, the difficulties in the process of making a good practice sustainable and how this practice distinguishes the company in social plan.

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